Once the robot cutting path has been imported in RoboDK you should see the cutting toolpath attached to the mold reference of your RoboDK station. In the Car hood Settings, make sure that you select the correct robot, reference frame and tool.
You can also adjust the value of the approach and retract movements before and after the cutting path. A 400 mm approach/retract should be safe this example. Those movements are now 4 times longer than the default approach/retract and will help avoiding any collision with the part.
You can also adjust the orientation of the part in the lower section of the menu.
The next step is to verify if the order in which the path sections will be executed is correct by selecting Car hood Settings ➔Update ➔Simulate. In this example it is not necessary to readjust the order.
To generate your robot program, make sure to use the right post processor. Double click on the Fanu M-710iC/45M robot and click on Select Post Processor ➔ Fanuc R30iA.
Finally, right click on Car hood ➔ Generate robot program or press F6.
The Fanuc LS and/or TP files are now ready to be transferred to your robot controller.