This section shows how you can model a one-axis turntable. Turntables are often used for robot machining applications.
Follow these steps to create a turntable:
1.Load the 3D models of the turntable: drag and drop 3D models to the RoboDK window (such as STL, STEP or IGES files).
2.Select Utilities➔Model Mechanism or Robot.
3.Select 1 rotative axis.
4.If you look at the image, it should show you how the base and top plate should be positioned. In the case of a rotative axis, the mechanism will rotate around the Z axis of Fb (Frame Base)
5.Rename your mechanism to TurnTable.
Define the reference of your turntable by creating a new coordinate system:
1.Create a reference frame and select F2 to name it to Frame Base.
2.Modify the position of the frame by opening Frame Panel.
3.Select Tools and then Measurement.
4.Measure the position of the surface by clicking on the mechanism; You can see the difference between the origin and the center. You can copy the values and paste them as shown in the image below.
The reference position should now match the reference in the image. The reference frame and the object items should be automatically populated. If the automatic selection is not correct you can update it accordingly.
6.You can update the joint limits, for example, if we want to have +/-20 turns we can enter +/-7200 deg. You can also change the joint limits later by double clicking the joint limit labels of the robot panel.
7.Select Update to generate the mechanism: the new mechanism will appear.
8.You can select OK to close the menu or add additional changes to your turntable if required.
9.You can delete the original object files you used to create the mechanism. The mechanism will be saved with your RDK project, and it does not require any external dependencies.
10.Once you have tested your table (make sure that it is moving in the right direction and that the limits are what you were expecting), you can select OK on the Model mechanism window to close it.