Roboguide is a well-known software tool for programming FANUC robots… but it’s not the only available option. You might not have realized this before, but there are other offline programming tools that many FANUC users don’t even know about!
Roboguide can be a suitable solution for some people. It comes directly from FANUC so it can seem like the most “obvious” choice for offline programming.
Offline programming is an important step when working with industrial robots. It allows you to program and test your robot without disrupting your production. There are many benefits of offline programming.
Roboguide does offer these benefits… but it is not the only option available on the market. If you only consider Roboguide and don’t look at the alternatives for offline programming, you could miss some opportunities to improve your robot programming even further.
Here’s a clear introduction to Roboguide…
What is Roboguide?
Roboguide is a software application developed by FANUC that allows users to program FANUC robots offline. As with any offline programming software, it is designed to streamline the programming process and increase efficiency by allowing you to create programs without the physical robot.
The core functionality of the program is its offline programming and simulation. It also has some application-specific features such as PaintPRO for painting applications and WeldPRO for arc welding applications.
FANUC is one of the industry’s leading brands of industrial robots. You can see the manufacturer’s ubiquitous yellow-colored robots in many manufacturing companies across the globe.
It’s common for robot integrators, distributors, and suppliers to specialize in a particular brand of robot. This means that FANUC distributors often only recommend Roboguide to new robot users.

Why People Often Use Roboguide
When we visit trade fairs and conferences, we find that many FANUC users are unaware there are other options for offline programming.
Why do people stick with Roboguide when there are other options for offline programming?
As well as simply being unaware of the other options, there is also the familiarity. If you have bought your robots from FANUC, the brand feels familiar. It feels like it’s safer to buy everything from one supplier rather than looking for alternatives.

RoboDK — The Increasingly Popular Alternative to Roboguide
If you are looking for an alternative to Roboguide, it makes sense to consider RoboDK.
RoboDK is a powerful and user-friendly robotic programming software that makes it easy to create, simulate, and deploy programs for any industrial robot arm.
With RoboDK, you can quickly and easily create robot programs for a range of applications, including welding, palletizing, handling, and assembly tasks. It is compatible with dozens of FANUC robots and works with all the major robot brands.
All of RoboDK’s offline programming features come with a single license. You can find this on the pricing page.
Finally, there is a ton of free RoboDK training on this blog and their YouTube channel.

Is RoboDK for You? How to Find Out
How can you find out if RoboDK is the right solution for your offline programming project?
A good place to start is by downloading a free trial.
You can also find out more about RoboDK’s features on this product page.
What issues have you run into when using Roboguide? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum. Also, check out our extensive video collection and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel.