Online Programming Archives - RoboDK blog News about RoboDK, Industrial Robots, Simulation and Robot Programming Thu, 28 Mar 2024 14:15:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Heated Debate: Robot Welding vs Manual Welding? Wed, 27 Mar 2024 10:53:34 +0000 Robotic welding… Manual welding… which is best? Welcome to the grand debate! We are now firmly within the age of automation. As a result, the question of robotic vs manual …

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Robotic welding… Manual welding… which is best? Welcome to the grand debate!

We are now firmly within the age of automation. As a result, the question of robotic vs manual welding is now on the debating table more clearly than ever before.

Which reigns supreme? Robots or human welders?

On one side of the table we have manual welding. The tried and tested method of welding, backed by decades of precedence and the skill and intuition of seasoned craftspeople.

On the other side of the table, we have robotic welding. The newest contender for best welding method. It boasts precision, productivity, and relentless consistency.

Let’s settle this debate once and for all…

Which welding method comes on top?

The 7 Debate Categories to Spark Discussion

As manufacturers, welding is a crucial aspect of many production processes. It can play a major role in determining the quality of your products.

When you look at your process, which categories can you use to compare manual welding with robotic welding?

Here are 7 categories that we’ll be using to compare the two methods:

  1. Speed and Efficiency — The speed and efficiency of a welding method determines how productive your welding process can be. It is a crucial category in the debate.
  2. Weld Quality — The quality of your welds influences both customer satisfaction and product reliability.
  3. Flexibility — The ability to adapt to different projects quickly is important in a dynamic manufacturing environment.
  4. Cost — As a significant factor in all business decisions, cost considerations include not only the initial expense but ongoing running costs.
  5. Risks — Every production method carries risks, both physical and non-physical. From worker injury to cost of inaction, various risks affect welding.
  6. Detail and Precision — It’s important to discuss the level of detail each method can achieve, particularly for products requiring fine details.
  7. Problem Detection — Each method will have a different level of ability at detecting and resolving problems. Faster detection means fewer delays in production.

In the debate points below, we will draw from these 7 categories to compare manual and robotic welding.

Manual Welding: Traditional, Reliable and Adaptable

In the arena of welding techniques, manual welding holds its ground as a traditional, reliable, and highly adaptable method.

Let’s start the debate with manual welding’s biggest strength: flexibility.

For flexibility, manual welding certainly outperforms its robotic counterpart. Human welders can seamlessly shift between projects without the need for extensive reconfiguration. This makes manual welding particularly suited to custom orders and one-off jobs.

Humans are adaptable. This is also why manual welding can be better at problem detection. Adapting a robot requires the input of humans.

The cost of manual welding can also be quite low, particularly the upfront cost. Unless you have to hire new welding professionals — which can be costly and difficult given the skills shortage — manual welding is a process that has familiar costs.

It’s true that there are some disadvantages to manual welding. Increased risk of worker injury is certainly something to consider, as well as lower precision and an inconsistent weld quality.

However, manual welding truly excels for custom, artisan welding jobs that would require extensive programming to do with a robot.

Robotic Welding: Efficient, Precise and Consistent

Robotic welding is the “new kid on the block” — the welding method that is set to become a core part of any welding process. It is a force to be reckoned with in the world of manufacturing.

We can’t talk about robotic welding without mentioning its consistency. Robots are extremely consistent, producing the same high-quality welds time and time again. With this consistency comes faster, more precise welds, and a lower cost per weld over the long term.

While robots tend to be less effective at detecting problems on-the-fly than humans, they are also less likely to make errors as they are not subject to tiredness. Robots also don’t need breaks, so can be hugely more productive than manual welding.

It’s true that robots are less flexible than humans. However, this is why robotic welding is so well suited to routine, higher-volume welding tasks.

Using robots for welding also reduces the potential physical risks, as the human worker is no longer operating dangerous welding machinery. This helps to make the workplace a safer environment for all.

The Verdict: Which Welding Method Strikes the Hottest Iron?

The debate points have been made… so which method is best? Manual welding or robotic welding?

Let’s look at each of our 7 debate categories:

  1. Speed and Efficiency — Robotic welding has the upper hand with a quicker work rate and higher output. However, this is less valuable on low-volume, custom jobs.
  2. Weld Quality — Robots are a clear winner with consistent high-quality welds.
  3. Flexibility — Manual welding wins in this category. Human workers can easily shift between projects without reconfiguration.
  4. Cost — Let’s call this one a draw. There are many factors that affect the cost of the welding method, including labor costs, machine maintenance costs, and the varying upfront costs of robotic hardware.
  5. Risks — There are risks with both methods. However, with robotic welding, the physical safety risks are significantly reduced compared to manual welding.
  6. Detail and Precision — Robots tend to be more consistently precise than humans, so robot welding is a strong contender. But, for artisan-type detail, manual welding is usually the better option.
  7. Problem Detection — Humans are often better at detecting and responding quickly to problems… however, they are also likely to make more mistakes than robotic welding.

The conclusion? While manual welding offers more flexibility and problem detection, these don’t fully offset the advantages offered by robotic welding.

Which Method Should You Choose?

Ultimately, the decision between manual and robotic welding comes down to your specific manufacturing needs.

If you are producing one-off, custom welds that require artisan levels of skill, manual welding will certainly be your best bet. But, if you have more consistent welding needs, robotic welding is surely a top contender.

As with many business decisions, there is no definitive answer to the debate of robot welding vs manual welding.

But, you can make your robot programming easy by using RoboDK and our Welding Add-in.

Which welding methods do you use in your business? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.. Also, check out our extensive video collection and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel

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Offline Programming (OLP), drivers and communicating with robots Tue, 19 Mar 2024 10:46:15 +0000 Communication is vital for efficient operation of robotic systems. In an industrial setting. Two key concepts are available: Offline Programming (OLP) and drivers. Each method plays a different role in …

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Communication is vital for efficient operation of robotic systems. In an industrial setting. Two key concepts are available: Offline Programming (OLP) and drivers. Each method plays a different role in bridging the gap between human commands and robotic actions.

Offline Programming (OLP) is the process of designing, simulating, and optimizing robot tasks in a virtual environment before they are executed in the real world. This method is instrumental in pre-planning complex robotic operations, ensuring efficiency, and mitigating risks.

On the other hand, drivers in robotics are akin to their counterparts in computer systems – they are essential software components that enable communication between the robot’s control system and various external devices or software platforms. By translating high-level instructions into a language that robotic hardware can comprehend, drivers facilitate real-time interactions and adaptability.

Complex tasks

OLP primarily engages in high-level, abstracted communication through specialized software suites that allow engineers and programmers to design and simulate robotic tasks, creating a digital twin of the real-world environment. This approach enables the pre-visualization and modification of robot paths and behaviors, ensuring that complex tasks are optimized before physical deployment.

In contrast, drivers operate at a more fundamental level, acting as the real time link between the robot’s control system and the external world. They handle communication between the robot controller and other components of the industrial automation project. If combined with a remote interface such as TwinBox, robot drivers can facilitate the interaction between a robot arm and systems not normally capable of influencing a robotics project.


Offline Programming (OLP) and drivers each present their unique challenges. The setup of OLP systems involves the creation of accurate virtual models and the use of simulation tools. These models must precisely mirror the physical world to ensure that the programmed tasks are feasible when transferred to real robots. The complexity here lies not just in the technical expertise required, but also in the need for a thorough understanding of the robot’s physical and operational environment.

The complexity of developing and integrating drivers is rooted in the need for deep technical knowledge of both the robotic hardware and the software interfaces. Crafting drivers that can effectively communicate with and control a robot requires a nuanced understanding of the robot’s control architecture, sensor inputs, and actuator mechanisms.


OLP is particularly advantageous in scenarios where precision, repeatability, and safety are of the utmost importance. For instance, in manufacturing, especially in automotive and aerospace sectors, OLP is used to program complex assembly lines. Drivers shine in situations that demand real-time control and adaptability. In fields like collaborative robotics, where robots work alongside humans, the need for immediate responsiveness to environmental changes and human inputs is crucial.

Thus, while OLP is used for its ability to pre-plan and optimize robotic tasks in controlled environments, drivers are essential for enabling real-time interactions and responsiveness in more dynamic and unpredictable settings. The selection between OLP and drivers, or a combination of both, depends heavily on the specific requirements and constraints of the application at hand.

Robot Drivers with RoboDK

Any robot simulation that is programmed in RoboDK can be executed on the robot using a robot driver. The robot movement in the simulator is then synchronized with the real robot and it is possible to debug robot programs in real time.

Annin Robotics, ABB, Automata, Comau, Denso, Dobot, Doosan, Epson, Fanuc, Han’s.. are some of the supported robot drivers in RoboDK. Check the full list of robot drivers here.

The following article shows an example of an Online Programming project using robot drivers: Online Programming in Real Time

What questions do you have about robot drivers and OLP? Join the discussion on LinkedInTwitterFacebookInstagram, or in the RoboDK Forum. Also, check out our extensive video collection, documentation [], and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel.

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10 Essential Robot Simulation Features: A Deep Dive Into the Power of RoboDK Mon, 11 Mar 2024 12:01:50 +0000 In robotics, simulation plays a vital role in optimizing the efficiency of your robot programs and reducing potential errors. But how do you select the right features for your specific …

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In robotics, simulation plays a vital role in optimizing the efficiency of your robot programs and reducing potential errors. But how do you select the right features for your specific application?

There are many features that you could use in a robot simulator. Complex physics simulation, advanced camera modeling, artificial intelligent planning… the list keeps growing as the technologies advance.

It’s always a good idea to prioritize simplicity and functionality. If a particular simulation feature is unnecessary to create your robot program, it will only hold you back from creating an efficient solution.

RoboDK has a vast range of possible features that you can use in your simulations.

Here’s a look at what they are and how you can use them…

The Need for Simplicity

When it comes to offline programming and simulation, complexity is your enemy.

If your robot simulation is filled with unnecessary elements, it will be slower to run and more likely to create problems later on. Remember that you are not trying to create a highly realistic simulation of the robot and its environment. Your aim is to create a robust robot program that achieves your production goals.

As we’ve said previously… your robot simulation doesn’t need wallpaper.

Some features are usually unnecessary in robot simulation such as some advanced physics simulations, complex lighting, and high-definition visual rendering. While these can add realism and aesthetic appeal to your simulation, they don’t help you make a more reliable robotic system.

10 Powerful Simulation Features in RoboDK

Keeping in mind the need for simplicity, what features are useful in a robot simulator?

RoboDK contains many powerful simulation features. Not all of them will be suitable for your specific application. But, used in the right way, they can improve your simulation significantly.

Here are 10 features that you can find in RoboDK:

1. Calibration With the Real World

For industrial robotics, a simulation is only useful if you can use it to program your real world robot. This means you need to be able to quickly and accurately calibrate the robot to the real world coordinate.

There is a range of calibration options for RoboDK. One is our product RoboDK TwinTool that allows you to calibrate your robot tools with an automated calibration procedure and an off-the-shelf sensor.

2. Reliable Inverse Kinematics

The inverse kinematics of a robot is the algorithm that converts your desired tool position to the robot’s joint positions. It is a vital part of any robot simulation.

RoboDK includes inverse kinematics for all our supported robots. You can customize your inverse kinematic solution to suit your specific needs.

3. Application-Specific Programming Tools

Some applications are just easier to perform when they are supported by application-specific tools. RoboDK has some powerful tools for a range of common applications.

Our WeaveGenerator is one such tool, giving you the functionality to quickly add weave patterns to your robotic welding task.

4. CAD/CAM Integration

Your chosen robot simulator will make your life significantly more useful when it seamlessly integrates with your existing software. In many robot applications, this means integrating with your chosen CAD/CAM program.

We often add support for new CAD/CAM integrations such as our recent addition of the BobCAD-CAM Plugin.

5. Collision-Free Planning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a growing technology in many industries right now, and robotics is no different.

One useful AI feature in robot simulation is collision-free planning. This feature in RoboDK allows you to automatically generate a collision-free path for your robot between two chosen points in your workplace.

6. Gravity When Needed

Gravity simulation is not always necessary in robot simulation and sometimes can be an unnecessary complication. However, it is a requirement in some situations.

RoboDK now includes a Gravity Plugin that enables you to activate a simple form of gravity if your application needs it.

7. Real-Time Capabilities

While most users of RoboDK use it to program their robots offline in a simulation, the software also supports real time control of robots.

Our real-time plugin allows you to add this capability to your program and control your physical robot within the software itself.

8. High Speed for Complex Projects

The bigger and more complex your simulation, the slower it is to run. This can make complex projects very slow.

We have recently made improvements to RoboDK that double the speed of simulation for complex projects. This includes support for textures and GPU-accelerated rendering.

9. Realistic Camera Simulation

Graphical realism is usually not the most important functionality in robotic simulations. However, it can be more important when you are using robotic vision.

RoboDK includes several features to make your simulated cameras more realistic. This helps you to test vision functionality in simulations before testing on the real robotic system.

10. Extensive Robot Support

The final feature that really helps your programming productivity is when your chosen simulator supports a wide range of robot models.

RoboDK includes support for over 1000 robot models from over 70 different robot brands. In our extensive Robot Library includes support for various robot brands, including Omron, Techman, Fanuc, KUKA, Universal Robots, and many more.

Choosing the Right Simulator

Haven’t decided which robot simulator you will use?

How can you select the right one for your needs?

It’s important to find a simulator that makes your life easier when programming your robot rather than introducing unnecessary difficulties.

There are various steps you can take when comparing different simulators for your needs. These include evaluating your business requirements, focusing on your specific application needs, and seeking the assistance of a supportive community.

Learn about the whole process of finding a solution in our article How to Choose a Robot Simulator.

3D Simulator Software

RoboDK: A Reliable Choice

With its wide array of features and capabilities, RoboDK stands out as a reliable and widely trusted robot simulation platform.

Many people in your situation are already using RoboDK for a diverse range of applications and industries.

With native support for hundreds of robot models and brands, RoboDK offers an impressive selection of simulation features to make your robot deployment as easy as possible.

What simulation features do you most need in a robot simulator? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.. Also, check out our extensive video collection and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel

The post 10 Essential Robot Simulation Features: A Deep Dive Into the Power of RoboDK appeared first on RoboDK blog.

Spotlight on… Yaskawa: How to Program Yaskawa Robots Easily Mon, 04 Mar 2024 11:18:55 +0000 Yaskawa, one of the biggest Japanese manufacturers of robotic hardware, has securely made its name in the global worldwide robotics landscape. Established in 1915, Yaskawa has continually marked itself as …

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Yaskawa, one of the biggest Japanese manufacturers of robotic hardware, has securely made its name in the global worldwide robotics landscape.

Established in 1915, Yaskawa has continually marked itself as an innovator through its Motoman series of industrial robots. The company has been constantly innovating in large and small ways, from introducing the L10WA in 1983 (the first 6-axis robot to feature an extra wrist) to the new MotoMini, one of the smallest and lightest 6-axis robot in the industry.

In this spotlight on Yaskawa, we’ll look at how you can program Yaskawa robots easily for your chosen application.

The Yaskawa Story: What Sets Yaskawa Robots Apart

Yaskawa has passed some momentous milestones in recent years. In 2015, it celebrated its 100th anniversary and in 2021 they sold their 500,000th robot. With this rising popularity, many more people are using Yaskawa robots for a wide range of applications.

Founded by Daigorou Yasukawa, the company’s story began in 1915 when it began manufacturing three-phase induction motors. Yaskawa’s robotic journey began in the 1960s with the introduction of various robotic products, including MOTO fingers and arms. Their first full electric robot, MOTOMAN-L10, was completed in 1977.

Yaskawa’s core brand values revolve around the principles of quality, profitability, and market satisfaction. The company is committed to using its technologies to improve management efficiency and contribute to social development and human welfare.

What Industries are Yaskawa Robots Used In?

Yaskawa’s industrial robots have found widespread adoption across various sectors, solidifying its position as a global leader.

Within the electrical and electronic manufacturing industry, companies utilize Yaskawa robots throughout the entire production process, from upstream production to downstream testing and shipping. Their smaller robots prove particularly advantageous for manufacturers operating within limited space.

For industries like biomedical and semiconductor manufacturing, Yaskawa provides specific robot solutions that can operate under hygiene control requirements.

Other industries include food production, logistics, and automotive manufacturing.

3 Example Applications for Yaskawa Robots

Whatever application you are looking to deploy, it’s likely a Yaskawa robot exists to help you to achieve it.

Here are 3 example applications from different industries that people are already achieving with Yaskawa robots:

1. Electronics mounting, welding, and painting

In the “3C” industry (Communication, Computer, and Consumer Electronics), robots are involved at almost all stages.

Yaskawa robots are often used in the construction and finishing of circuit boards. This includes assembly of the casings, welding and soldering of metal pieces, and painting of the final product.

A particular challenge for such applications is often space restrictions, which Yaskawa has addressed with a range of small, light robots.

2. Experiment preparation and analysis

In the biomedical manufacturing industry, Yaskawa robotic solutions that operate under strict hygiene controls with high precision.

One type of application in this industry includes the preparation of biological specimens for testing and running of the tests.

By using such robots, the skilled biological researchers can focus on more high-level tasks like analyzing the data gathered during the tests.

3. Flat Panel Display Glass Transporting

Many applications in the semiconductor manufacturing industry are suitable for robotic automation.

One such task involves manufacturing Flat Panel Display (FPD) glass, which companies use to produce computer monitors, smartphones, and televisions.

Robots are an ideal solution for handling and processing of this glass as even small amounts of dust can jeopardize the product quality.

Options for Programming Yaskawa Robots

Whatever application you choose for your Yaskawa robot, it’s important to find a method of programming that helps you to deploy the robot easily and efficiently.

There are 3 main options for programming a Yaskawa robot:

  1. Brand Programming Langauge: Inform II — the primary language for programming is Inform II, though Yaskawa also supports some PLC-integrated options. This is the most labor-intensive method.
  2. Teach Pendant — A very common method of teaching Yaskawa robots is to use the teach pendant, which involves manually guiding the robot through movements. It is a time-consuming approach.
  3. RoboDK — For a more intuitive and graphical approach to programming, supported by a powerful API if you need it, you can also program your Yaskawa robots offline using RoboDK.

Spotlight on 3 Models in the RoboDK Library

The robot library includes an extensive collection of Yaskawa robots models.

At the time of writing, it includes over 90 Yaskawa models, of various types, including 5 and 6 DoF arms, Delta, Scara, and palletizing robots, as well as external axes.

Here are 3 models that you can find in the library:

Robot 1: Yaskawa HC10

The Yaskawa HC10 is a 6-axis robot that is commonly used for arc welding applications. It offers a 10 kg payload, 1.2 m of reach, and a repeatability of 0.1 mm.

This collaborative robot is designed to enhance current production by adding collaborative welding capabilities.

Robot 2: Motoman MPP3

The Motoman MPP3 is a 4-axis Delta robot that balances compact design and operational reach. It has a 1 kg payload, 650 mm of reach, and repeatability of 0.1 mm. It is also on the heavy side at 115 kg weight.

Optimized for primary packaging this robot is ideal for the food industry as it uses an NSF-H1 certified food-grade lubricants and anti-corrosive coating.

Robot 3: Motoman MPL800II

The Motoman MPL800II is a 4-axis palletizing robot arm offering an impressive 800 kg of payload and 3.2 m of reach. The repeatability is 0.5 mm and its weight is 2550 kg.

With its large payload, this is the largest palletizing robot that Yaskawa manufactures.

How to Program Yaskawa Robots Easily with RoboDK

If you want to streamline the deployment process for your Yaskawa industrial robot, it’s worth looking at using RoboDK for your programming.

RoboDK’s rich simulation environment makes it easy to quickly design robot programs and test them before you put the robot into production. The intuitive graphical interface allows you to quickly create robust programs while the API allows you to incorporate any advanced features you want.

To start, download a trial copy of RoboDK from our download page and load up your favorite robot model.

Which Yaskawa model do you use and for which applications? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.. Also, check out our extensive video collection and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel

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How to Create Powerful Robot Macros and Custom Tools in RoboDK Mon, 08 Jan 2024 12:30:34 +0000 In industrial robotics, customization is not just a “nice to have.” It’s a necessity for flexible operational success. Custom tools and macros can be a driving force behind this flexibility. …

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In industrial robotics, customization is not just a “nice to have.” It’s a necessity for flexible operational success. Custom tools and macros can be a driving force behind this flexibility.

Both custom tools and macros allow to automate more complex robot tasks and adapt the basic robotic hardware to your needs.

RoboDK offers various features for creating powerful robot macros. With these, you can take your robot deployments to new heights by adding extra functionality that would not be available otherwise. And with its support for custom tools, there’s no limit to the accessories you can add to your robot.

Here’s how you can harness the power of custom macros and tools:

The Role of Robot Macros in Streamlining Complex Tasks

In the context of industrial robotics, a macro is essentially a pre-defined sequence of commands or scripts that allows you to automate complex programming tasks.

A macro script will, for example, convert a specific input or robot command into a desired output. They can be used to control the simulated robot within RoboDK or the physical robot in your workspace.

An example could be using a robot arm for a welding task. Macros could automate the arm’s motion along the desired welding path, operate a specific welding tool, and even adjust welding parameters on the fly to accommodate more complex welding operations.

Creating Your First Robot Macro in RoboDK

How can you create a macro for your robot application within RoboDK.

Here is the process that you can take:

  1. Create your simulation without the macro first. Use as much of the basic RoboDK functionality as you can, to identify where a custom macro is really required. You may find that you don’t need a macro, as RoboDK has an impressive range of in-built functionality.
  2. Choose your programming language. You can program macros in RoboDK using whichever programming language you are most comfortable using. RoboDK’s API seamlessly integrates with popular languages like Python, C#, C++, and Matlab.
  3. Create and optimize your macro scripts. Create a macro script that carries out your desired functionality. Keep it simple — you only want to add the functionality that is really required.
  4. Activate and thoroughly test the macro. Load the macro into the RoboDK simulation environment and put it through its paces. You will probably need to tweak the script to get it ready.
  5. Continuously improve. The most useful macros are those that have been optimized over time. Where possible, improve existing macros when you notice ways you could improve them.

Custom Tools: An Essential Asset in RoboDK

A related concept within RoboDK is custom tools. These allow you to add any tool or end effector to your robot application.

There are too many robot tools on the market to incorporate all of them in our Robot Library. By providing this method to integrate custom tools, we have opened up any tool to the power of RoboDK… even tools that you have custom designed yourself for your application!

You can find a complete guide to adding custom tools in our article The 5 Minute Guide to Use Any End Effector with RoboDK.

7 Example Macros to Help You Get Started

It’s easier to understand what you can achieve with macros when you see ones that already exist.

Macro functionality can be complex, such as running entire routines with your robot, or simple, such as turning on a single output to activate a tool.

Here are just 7 of the many macros that are included in RoboDK:

  1. CameraLiveStream — This macro demonstrates some of the basic functionalities to handle 2D cameras with the RoboDK API, such as setting camera parameters and displaying a live stream.
  2. DoPointWeld — This macro simulates a spot weld gun, allowing you to turn the gun on and off. This is ideal for welding applications such as those in automotive manufacturing.
  3. Draw_SVG — This macro programs a robot to draw a picture using an SVG image file as an input. This can be especially useful when you are designing personalized products for your customers.
  4. MirrorRealRobot — This macro creates a bridge that moves the physical robot to match your simulated robot. For example, you can use it to control your robot with a 3D mouse or other input device.
  5. SetTool_ID — This simple macro updates the robot’s tool to a given identification number that you pass as an argument. One use case is in CNC machining, where tool changes are frequent.
  6. SpindleOn — This macro allows you to add a trace or spray deposition for surface coating of materials. It activates the spindle.
  7. WaitDI — This macro simulates the waiting for a virtual input that would be a physical wait in a physical task.

These are just a few examples of robot macros that already exist in RoboDK. As you can see, there is a wide range of uses for such a simple programming concept.

The Intersection of Robot Macros and Custom Tools: A Paradigm Shift in Industrial Robotics

Both robot macros and custom tools are simple but immensely powerful concepts that can bring your robot deployments to another level.

By combining the two concepts, you can build robot applications that incorporate any functionality that you need.

If you are not sure how to program a particular macro functionality, a good place to start is in our RoboDK documentation which includes extensive instructions to guide you through the process. There is also a helpful section on adding custom tools.

If you are stuck and have any questions about developing scripts, a good place to add your question is in the RoboDK Forum where a community of robot programmers are waiting to help.

What functionality would you like to add with a macro or custom tool? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.. Also, check out our extensive video collection and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel

The post How to Create Powerful Robot Macros and Custom Tools in RoboDK appeared first on RoboDK blog.

Robotic Digital Twin and Advanced Neural Construction: A Perfect Blend with RoboDK Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:06:55 +0000 The concept of a “digital twin” is bringing a whole extra dimension to industrial robotics. In this case study, RoboDK users at the Dubai Robotics Lab combined neural reconstruction with …

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The concept of a “digital twin” is bringing a whole extra dimension to industrial robotics. In this case study, RoboDK users at the Dubai Robotics Lab combined neural reconstruction with robot simulation into an innovative digital twin setup.

A digital twin is a virtual replica of a physical system. It allows you to make better informed strategic decisions about your automation system, helping you to detect and iron out problems long before they become a major problem.

By combining state-of-the-art robotic technology and neural reconstruction, the researchers brought more precision and efficiency to the 3D modeling.

Let’s look at how the team at Dubai’s Robotics Lab used RoboDK to create their innovative system.

Digital Twins: The Future of Robotics

What is a digital twin?

In robotics, a digital twin is essentially a virtual model that closely replicates a physical robotic system.

This model is as detailed as it needs to be for the task at hand — it need not be a hyperrealistic simulation. For example, it will certainly include the kinematic and physical properties of the robot itself. It will also include other components that are important for the robotic task, such as sensors, end effectors, and task objects.

The use of digital twin technology holds tremendous potential. In manufacturing, a digital twin of a robotic arm, for instance, can help you optimize your production processes, identify bottlenecks, and predict maintenance needs without disrupting the robot’s productivity.

RoboDK is a popular platform for digital twin creation. For example, previous research from Western Washington University involved creating a simulated changeable learning factory and connecting it to the physical system to create a digital twin.

Introducing… Dubai’s Robotics Research Lab

The Robotics Research Lab is situated within the Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation. Led by researcher Raffi Tchakerian, this cutting edge facility is committed to pushing the boundaries of robotics and advanced manufacturing.

Tools like RoboDK have been instrumental in advancing research and student projects at the Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation into realms traditionally dominated by seasoned engineers. From 3D printing with sand to bio-printing garments on pre-existing 3D objects, RoboDK stands out as a pivotal enabler in our journey, explains Raffi Tchakerian

As part of the lab’s FabLab setup, Tchakerian’s research team uses a KUKA robotic arm to develop solutions and ideas for advanced manufacturing automation.

In this latest project, the researchers aimed to improve digital twin technology by combining their industrial robot with the latest in neural reconstruction technology.

The Setup: KUKA KR 150 Robotic Arm, Jetson and RoboDK

The aim of this research project was to see how neural reconstruction technology can improve digital twin creation.

To achieve this, the research team used the following hardware and software components:

  • KUKA KR 150 Robotic Arm At the core of the project is the lab’s KR 150 industrial robot. In a variety of manufacturing and other industrial settings, manufacturers and other industries use this 6-axis robotic arm.
  • Intel RealSense D435i camera An off-the-shelf depth camera that combines robust depth sensing with inertial measurements to create point cloud data.
  • NVIDIA Jetson Nano The Jetson is a single-board, AI-powered computer system targeted at embedded applications. We have a version of RoboDK specially designed to run on Jetson boards, opening up a world of new possibilities for AI-powered robotic solutions.
  • RoboDK Finally, the software for the team’s project was based on RoboDK. This widely used robotic offline programming and simulation software is ideal for digital twin creation and already includes the KR 150 in our extensive Robot Library.

The Role of NVIDIA’s Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction (NKSR)

An important part of the project was NVIDIA’s Neural Kernel Surface Reconstruction (NKSR) technology.

This cutting edge set of algorithms helps to generate highly detailed and accurate 3D meshes from large-scale point clouds of noisy location data.

NKSR technology can scale to large scenes, handle noise, and minimize training requirements. It can reconstruct millions of points in seconds, even when the scan data is messy.

The team used this technology to clean up the point cloud data captured from the RealSense depth camera. These data points were then fed through the NKSR algorithm to create clean models for use with the robotic digital twin.

How the Setup Works

The researchers’ system operates with the following process:

  1. The Intel RealSense camera captures a rough 3D model of the scene, creating a point cloud of data.
  2. This point cloud is captured by the Jetson Nano board.
  3. Each frame of 3D data is synchronized and transformed into a refined point cloud using the Open3D library.
  4. An initial mesh representing the scanned object is generated and sent to RoboDK.
  5. RoboDK then accurately positions this mesh within the simulated robot scene.
  6. The mesh is then further refined using the NKSR algorithm.

This process shows the immense potential for integrating off-the-shelf imaging technology with advanced neural reconstruction for digital twins.

Advancing 3D Modeling with Robotics and Neural Reconstruction

What is next for this type of neural digital twin technology?

The researchers from the Robotics Research Lab showed how you can create powerful simulated digital twins using simple components. Many industries could use this type of setup, from aerospace to pharmaceutical manufacturing.

This project also shows how accessible advanced neural processing algorithms are becoming. With technologies like the NVIDIA Jetson Nano and NKSR algorithms, you can now access powerful functionality in an easy-to-use setup. And with RoboDK, you can seamlessly integrate this functionality with your industrial robot.

If you are looking for a way to integrate your robot with advanced algorithms, this case study is a powerful example of what is possible.

What questions do you have about RoboDK? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.. Also, check out our extensive video collection and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel.

The post Robotic Digital Twin and Advanced Neural Construction: A Perfect Blend with RoboDK appeared first on RoboDK blog.

The Digital Twins Advantage: Offline Robot Programming and Visualization Wed, 08 Nov 2023 20:11:51 +0000 In the rapidly evolving landscape of robotics, one technology stands out as a game-changer: Digital Twins. These virtual replicas of real-world objects and processes have revolutionized robotic programming, offering a …

The post The Digital Twins Advantage: Offline Robot Programming and Visualization appeared first on RoboDK blog.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of robotics, one technology stands out as a game-changer: Digital Twins. These virtual replicas of real-world objects and processes have revolutionized robotic programming, offering a myriad of benefits that go beyond mere simulation.

In this article, let’s delve into the world of Digital Twins and explore how they are reshaping offline programming, ensuring precision, safety, and efficiency in robotic applications.

Defining Digital Twins

Before we dive into the advantages, let’s demystify Digital Twins. They are sophisticated virtual models that simulate the behavior and characteristics of physical entities, be it a robot or an entire production line. These twins are not mere static replicas but dynamic simulations capable of mimicking real-world scenarios with remarkable accuracy.

One of the significant advantages of Digital Twins in robotic programming is the ability to safely visualize and test various scenarios in a controlled and accurate virtual environment before implementing them in the real world.

Digital Twins in robotic programming can be understood through two primary lenses:

1. Modelling and Simulation: A Secure Rehearsal Space

Modelling and Simulation represent offline programming where code is generated from a virtual model without real-time interactions. It acts as a secure rehearsal space for robots.

2. Real-time Monitoring: Bridging the Virtual-Real Divide

Real-time Monitoring, with tools like TwinBox, enables online communication, allowing immediate feedback between the real and virtual robots.

Benefits of Digital Twins

new normal Futuristic Technology in smart automation industrial concept using artificial intelligence, machine learning, digital twin, 5g, big data, iot, augmented mixed virtual rality, ar, vr,robot

Digital Twins are pivotal in optimizing offline robotic programming, offering opportunities for innovations, safety, and accuracy in visualizations and applications. By leveraging the potential of Digital Twins, industries can stay ahead in the competitive landscape. They can navigate complex systems with enhanced insights and reliability. The future promises substantial opportunities for advancements and applications of Digital Twin technology in robotic programming. Driving industries towards unprecedented levels of operational efficiency and excellence, Digital Twins also allow programmers and operators to identify potential issues, optimize robot performance, and safeguard both the robot and its environment. Such foresight is vital to prevent expensive errors and system downtime, enhancing the reliability of robotic systems. Furthermore, the improved accuracy of these simulations minimizes the need for fine-tuning paths.

The amalgamation of rich data and detailed simulations empowers engineers and programmers to innovate and enhance robotic applications. The interaction between virtual and real-world data provides profound insights. Improving operational efficiency, enabling predictive maintenance, optimizing resource allocation, and fostering the development of innovative solutions, ultimately enhancing product quality and customer satisfaction.

Transition to the Real World

Builders can create precise virtual models of real robotic cells, enabling them to make necessary adjustments directly in this environment before implementing them on the robot. This ensures synchronization and a seamless transition between the simulated and real worlds. The precision in adjustment and direct communication between the digital twin and the actual robot ensures that every concept developed within the simulation can be accurately translated into the real world, allowing for real-time interaction and consistency.

RoboDK software is at the forefront of exploiting Digital Twins for detailed simulation and offline programming of robots. Facilitating the simulation of complex structures, from entire factory layouts to individual cells, right from a computer. The software also allows for the seamless creation of comprehensible instructions. Ensuring accurate replication of simulations on robots, thus mitigating risks, and promoting safety by providing a platform for testing and visualizing different situations.

Conclusion: the Future of Robotic Programming

In conclusion, Digital Twins are pivotal in optimizing offline robotic programming. Industries that leverage this technology gain a competitive edge by navigating complex systems with enhanced insights and reliability. As we look ahead, the future promises even greater opportunities for advancements and applications of Digital Twin technology. Driving industries toward unprecedented levels of operational efficiency and excellence.

Ready to harness the power of Digital Twins with RoboDK? Take the first step towards revolutionizing your robotic programming and visualization processes today. Download RoboDK’s Trial License to learn more and start your journey towards enhanced robotic programming.

What questions do you have about Digital Twins? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum. Also, check out our extensive video collection and subscribe to the RoboDK YouTube Channel.

The post The Digital Twins Advantage: Offline Robot Programming and Visualization appeared first on RoboDK blog.

The KUKA Robot Programming Guide for Beginners Mon, 30 Aug 2021 21:45:15 +0000 What’s the best way to program a KUKA robot? As a beginner, you may be uncertain which programming option is best for you. This KUKA robot programming guide will help …

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What’s the best way to program a KUKA robot?

As a beginner, you may be uncertain which programming option is best for you. This KUKA robot programming guide will help you to get started quickly and easily.

KUKA robots are some of the most popular robots in the world. KUKA is often listed as one of the “Big 4” robotic companies (ABB, KUKA, Yaskawa, and Fanuc).

Whether you are a complete beginner to robot programming or you have just not used KUKAs before, this guide will give you the essential knowledge you need to get up and running.

A Common Misconception About KUKA Programming

New robot users often mistakenly assume that they must program their KUKA using the default options provided by the manufacturer.

Usually, this means using the teach pendant or KUKA’s text-based programming language. As we will explain in a moment, there are often better methods for beginners to KUKA programming.

Two major problems that arise by sticking with the default programming methods are:

  1. It ties you into using only one brand of robot. Even if you only use KUKA robots right now, you will likely want to explore other brands in the future. Ideally, you want a programming method that works for many brands, not just KUKA.
  2. There is a steep learning curve. KUKA’s teach pendant programming has certainly improved over the years. But, it still relies on a lot of button pressing or arduous touchscreen navigation, jogging (manually moving the robot with buttons), and text-based programming. This requires extensive training and experience.
KUKA Robot Machining

There are more intuitive ways to program a KUKA robot that are easily accessible to beginners…

Online vs Offline Programming Methods

Two terms you might not be very familiar with are “online programming” and “offline programming.”

Online programming requires that the robot is physically present when you are programming it. This reduces the productivity of the robot as it has to come out of production whenever you want to improve the program or develop another application.

Offline programming means that you create the program first then upload it to the robot only when it is ready. If you are using text-based programming, such as with KRL, you still have to do extensive debugging with the robot online. But, with graphical offline programming, you debug the program first in a simulated environment, which improves the robot’s productivity.

You can learn more about the difference between the two methods in our previous article.

6 Proven Ways to Program a KUKA Robot

As with any programming task, there are various options for programming a KUKA robot. Some of these are only suited to experienced robot programmers. Others are ideal for both beginners and robotics experts.

program robot end effector

5 proven methods of programming a KUKA are:

  1. KUKA teach pendant — The standard option for KUKA programming is the teach pendant that comes shipped with the robot. There have been various versions of this over the years including the KRC2, KRC4, and smartPAD. This online programming method requires significant training and programming can be a laborious process.
  2. KUKA Robot Language (KRL) — Every robot manufacturer has its own proprietary programming language. For KUKA, this means the KRL programming language. Based on Pascal, this offline programming language requires a high level of expertise.
  3. Hand guiding — Hand guiding involves adding extra controllers and/or sensors to the end of the robot that allow you to move it by hand. KUKA’s version of this is ready2_pilot, which uses a type of 6D joystick. Although more intuitive than the teach pendant, it has a downside of being an online programming method so reduces the robot’s productivity.
  4. Graphical offline programming — A graphical offline programming software combines the productivity advantages of an offline programming system with the intuitiveness of a graphical system. RoboDK is simple enough to use that beginners can simulate robots from any manufacturer by following 5 simple steps. It’s also compatible with over 50 robot brands.
  5. Your favorite programming language — If you are already an experienced programmer, you might wonder if you can use your preferred programming language to program your KUKA robot as well. This is possible with the RoboDK API which takes your code and converts it into instructions that the KUKA controller can understand.
  6. An intuitive handheld probe — A final option is to use a handheld probe, such as the RoboDK TwinTrack, which allows you to program the robot using your own hand and arm. This is even more intuitive than hand guiding and has the added benefit that it can be used as either an offline or an online programming method.

What’s the Best Way to Program Your KUKA Robot?

With so many options for programming KUKA robots, you might be wondering which one you should choose!

Each programming method has its pros and cons. But, as a beginner, you should be looking for options that make life easier for you both in the short term and the long term.

Your programming methods should allow you to get up and running with your KUKA robot as soon as possible. You also want to learn methods that will be applicable for different robot brands.

For these reasons, it’s best to go with the programming method that will be most intuitive for you right from the start.

If you’re an experienced programmer, this might mean using your favorite programming language. However, in most cases, a method like graphical offline programming or a handheld probe will be the best option for beginners looking to get started quickly.

How to Program a KUKA Robot Quickly and Easily

With the right programming tool, you can start programming your KUKA robot within a matter of minutes.

You don’t even need to have the physical robot in front of you!

When you download the free RoboDK trial, you can load your chosen KUKA model from the integrated robot library and get started programming immediately.

What questions do you have about KUKA programming that this guide didn’t cover? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.

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Why Sockets Are Great for Robot Programming Mon, 10 May 2021 20:56:08 +0000 How can you connect hardware and software elements that don't work with the robot out of the box?
Programming sockets could be the answer to your problems!

The post Why Sockets Are Great for Robot Programming appeared first on RoboDK blog.

Is robot programming flexible enough?

What if you want to control your robot in real-time but with offline programming tools?

How can you connect hardware and software elements that don’t work with the robot out of the box?

Programming sockets could be the answer to your problems!

Many great tools can help you speed up and augment your robot programming. Offline programming software, path planning algorithms, CAD/CAM programs, and many many more.

All of these tools can be useful, but there is sometimes a problem…

The tools are not easy to integrate with your robot.

It is hard to seamlessly control the robot using software tools that aren’t natively supported by the manufacturer. In the end, you’re often lucky if you can just automatically generate a robot program with the tools that you can then manually copy to the robot’s controller.

And if you want to use the functionality for real-time or online programming, you can feel stuck.

How Flexible is Robot Programming Really?

Despite recent advancements in robot programming, many robot users find themselves struggling with the inflexibility of most programming options.

They feel tied to the constraints of the robot’s controller. Simple programming options or more advanced functionality seem to be out of their reach.

If their robot manufacturer doesn’t provide a feature, they think they can’t use it.

But, the truth is that programming can be extremely flexible, no matter what robot model you are using. When you use the right software “glue,” you can stick together almost any software tool that you like.

One vital type of programming glue is the programming socket.

How Programming Sockets Can Help You?

Programming sockets is a well-established method to generate two-way communication between any two processes on a network. Programmers use them extensively in network programming and they are extremely flexible.

If your robot can be connected to a network — and almost all of them can — then you can most likely use socket communication.

How Socket Programming Works

The basic functionality of a socket is performed by connecting two programming “nodes”: a client node and a server node. The server “listens” for new information arriving over the network. When the client sends some information, the server receives that information and can use it.

For instance, your robot’s controller might act as the server and will listen for new instructions from the network. Your program sends a new position to the robot. The controller will hear this position and move the robot accordingly.

One great benefit of programming sockets is that they are extremely flexible. It doesn’t matter what type of program is sending the information, what programming language it is written in, or what type of information is being sent.

How Programming Sockets is Useful In Robotics

This flexibility means that you can connect almost any software element together and use it to directly control your robot.

Want to use a motion control algorithm but it isn’t available in your chosen robot language? No problem, just run the algorithm on a computer and send the results to the robot via a socket.

Want to use offline programming tools to control your robot in real-time? No problem, just connect the tool to the robot via a socket.

Want to control an end effector that isn’t natively available by your robot’s controller? No problem, just send the control commands via a socket.

Robot Drivers: A Perfect Example of Sockets in Action

You can see the results of using sockets if you use RoboDK to control your robot in real-time.

RoboDK is most famous as an offline programming and simulation tool. However, you might not know that it also comes with a set of drivers to directly control many robot brands via sockets.

These drivers turn the offline programming environment into a powerful online programming tool. When you move the robot in the simulation, the physical robot will move as well.

This also means you can use all the extra advanced functionality that RoboDK provides in real-time too, including our CAD/CAM plugins, motion control algorithm, collision detection, etc.

How to Control Your Robot Using Programming Sockets

You can learn about the RoboDK drivers by going to our documentation page. This includes detailed guides for using these socket-based drivers for many of the most popular robot brands, including ABB, FANUC, Yaskawa, KUKA, and many more.

The drivers are one of the easiest ways to use socket communication and can be used with both the RoboDK GUI and the API.

At the time of writing, we have just updated our FANUC driver and are always updating them to keep up with the latest changes. By using our drivers, you can avoid having to reinvent the wheel by implementing functionality that we have already solved.

You might not even have to type any lines of code!

However, you always have the option of developing your own socket communication for your robot if that better suits your needs. The flexibility of this programming method means that you can do whatever you like with it.

Where to Go If You Need More Help

If you’d like to get started immediately using the RoboDK drivers for top robot brands, just check out our documentation page for instructions on how to use them with your robot.

If you are looking for guidance on a particular programming problem or help using the drivers, just post a question in the RoboDK forum and you’ll get a useful answer either from us or from someone else in the community.

And if you would like to learn how to get started with socket programming with your favorite programming language, there are plenty of great tutorials online for popular languages including Python, C/C++, Java, and more.

How could socket programming improve your next robot project? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.

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Automate Handmade Products with a Robot? Mon, 26 Apr 2021 19:43:33 +0000 Is it possible to automate a handmade product? When we think of handmade products, we often imagine custom-built, highly-intricate items where each piece is necessarily unique. However, many products are …

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Is it possible to automate a handmade product?

When we think of handmade products, we often imagine custom-built, highly-intricate items where each piece is necessarily unique. However, many products are handmade just because the production numbers aren’t high enough to warrant using full automation.

In this case study, we show how one group of researchers into industrial plastics used a robot and RoboDK to automate a small-batch manufacturing process.

The problem with many forms of automation is that they require you to have a consistent process running at high throughput. Without this, it often doesn’t make sense to invest in automation as you can’t be confident that you will achieve a return on investment.

When you’ve got a smaller batch project, you might wonder if it’s even possible to automate.

This is the problem that one group of researchers in industrial plastics addressed with their latest robotics project. They were looking for a small, cost-effective way to automate the assembly of plastic hula-hoop toys.

Introducing… ATS2i

The researchers of the French company “Applications Thermoplastiques et Solutions Industrielles Innovantes” (ATS2i) carried out this project. It was led by engineer Alexandre Temporel, who has been working in industrial plastics for over 15 years.

The company specializes in the design and engineering of innovative industrial projects, with specific expertise in the plastics industry. They incorporate a diverse range of manufacturing technologies, including 3D printing, machining, and CNC.

ATS2i looks at projects across the whole life cycle of industrial projects, from research and development and feasibility studies all the way up to design and prototyping.

Part of their scope as a company is to help others to modernize their existing industrial machines through advanced automation.

This is where their hula-hoop robotics project comes in.

The Project: Hula-Hoop Production

The project in question involved the production of plastic hula-hoop toys. This is a good example of a task that is usually carried out by hand in many situations when small batch sizes are required.

The team at ATS2i created their setup as a test to see if robotics could be used to easily automate the assembly stage of hula-hoop production.

What Are Hula-Hoops?

If you’re not familiar with hula-hoop toys, here is a primer…

Hula-hoops have been used as toys for over 2,500 years. To use the hoop, you spin it around your waist, limbs, or neck. Children use them for games and adults as a form of exercise or entertainment. Although hula-hoops have a long history, they significantly rose to popularity in the 1950s.

Most modern hula-hoops are made from plastic tubing, though they were traditionally made from willow, bamboo, or stiff grass.

The Complexity of Manufacturing a Hula-Hoop

As a piece of engineering, hula-hoops are very simple to make. The plastic tube is bent into a circle and the ends are attached together, usually by inserting a double-ended dowel plug.

While they are simple to produce, hula-hoops are not always manufactured at high volume. Unlike the mass-produced versions, smaller artisan makers produce them in small batches.

The task of connecting the ends of the hoops together is a good candidate for automation.

It is a good example of a task that is often required in other areas of plastic manufacturing.

The Robotic Application: Hula-Hoop Assembly

The team’s project involved a simple use of a collaborative robot. As a result, the team performed the task in the workshop without the need for extra safety measures like fencing or safety sensors.

The setup and manufacturing process were reasonably straightforward.

The Robotic Setup

The setup consisted of the following:

The team integrated these components into a single robotic cell that took up only as much space as a tabletop.

The Manufacturing Process

The process to create a hula-hoop involved aspects of machine tending (to tend the roll bender) and assembly.

The steps were as follows:

  1. Pick up and bend the tube into the roll bender, assuring a 1.5 mm protrusion.
  2. Align the ends.
  3. Insert the heated glass, useful to melt the ends of the plastic tube.
  4. Press the ends of the tube together, fixing them.
  5. Wait for the plastic to cool before removing it from the machine.

Programming the Robot with RoboDK

Alexandre Temporel and his team decided to use RoboDK to program the robot. The software is compatible out-of-the-box with UR robots and useful for tasks such as this one.

They first created the setup within the software. With RoboDK’s capability to easily add 3D models, they were also able to add a model of the roll bender. This made it easier to align the robot correctly with the machine.

Given the flexible nature of the plastic tubes, they decided that it made sense not to simulate the hula-hoops in the software. It would only add complexity to the simulation and was unnecessary to create a good program.

You can see the results of their work in this video:

How to Draw Lessons from This for Your Own Application

There are many ways to utilize robotics in your process that don’t require you to go all out and automate everything.

This case study from ATS2i is a good example of an application that is easy to deploy and relieves a repetitive task for small-batch manufacturing.

You might even argue that the product remains essentially handmade as the robot is doing the same job the human would in the same circumstances — i.e. tending the roll bender.

What small-batch task would you like to automate? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.

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Is Precise + Easy-to-Use Robot Programming Possible? Tue, 02 Feb 2021 14:10:33 +0000 As a robot user, you are faced with a huge array of options for robot programming. Some options — such as jogging and online programming — may be very familiar …

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As a robot user, you are faced with a huge array of options for robot programming.

Some options — such as jogging and online programming — may be very familiar to you. They may be slow, cumbersome, and have varying precision. Other options — such as hand-guiding — appear to be more intuitive but their lack of precision is often concerning.

You might be wondering: Is precision an important factor for me to consider when choosing a programming method?

Precision is increasingly relevant in modern robotics. In the past, most robots were not precise enough for detailed tasks. However, robotic technology has improved significantly in recent years. Many robots are now advertised as precision technology.

When it comes to robot programming, precision is not always assured. It can sometimes feel like you’re stuck between two decisions…

If you want easy programming, you can’t have a precision application.

If you want a precision application, you can’t have easy programming.

Is this really true?

How important is precision in robot programming?

Precision Robotics vs Easy Robot Programming

If you think that precision and intuitive programming are at odds with each other, you are not alone.

After all, the classic example of intuitive programming is hand-guiding: This is where you physically move the robot to the location that you want it to move, with your hand. Hand-guiding is easy to use but it is not usually suitable for precision tasks. The robot’s teach pendant is usually necessary when precise movement is required.

Another option for intuitive programming is offline programming. This is where you program the robot using a simulated robot first and later download the program to the physical robot when it is ready. People sometimes believe that offline programming is an imprecise way of programming a robot. However, this is a misconception as we showed in a previous article.

These conceptions of the existing options — some of which are true and some of which aren’t — can lead us to feel that precision can never be possible with an easy programming method.

This is not necessarily true.

Are Precise + Easy Robot Programming Tools Possible?

The problem with most options that are advertised as “easy robot programming” is that they make sacrifices on precision to improve their intuitiveness.

With hand-guiding, for example, it’s very intuitive for you to physically move the robot to the desired location. However, you sacrifice the inherent dexterity of the human hand and arm because you need to drag the robot around its workspace.

With some offline programming options, you sacrifice precision when the simulated robot does not accurately represent the physical robot. This issue can be overcome with good calibration. However, you are still sacrificing ease-of-use because most offline programming tools are not as intuitive as hand-guiding.

What would it take to have an easy robot programming tool that didn’t sacrifice precision?

You would need the tool to:

  • Allow the human to use the inherent dexterity of their hand and arm in the programming task.
  • Include perfect calibration with the robot (or as close to “perfect” as is possible).
  • Be easy to use.

For this, we need to look at a new way of programming robots…

One that has the ease of hand-guiding but with the highest precision possible…

We need to look at the world of laser trackers…

A New Way to Program Robots Without Sacrificing Precision

Now there is a new way to easily program your robot without sacrificing precision.

With this new approach, you create a robot program simply by tracing the motions of the robot with your hand whilst holding a laser tracker probe.

This method provides the benefits of an easy-to-use robot programming method with the added precision of laser tracking.

Why Laser Trackers?

Laser trackers are a well-established technology that can take highly precise measurements using a laser beam. Such systems use a hand-held probe which the system tracks in real-time at a very high degree of accuracy (down to a few microns).

KUKA Robot Calibration with Creaform C-Track

Quite a lot of manufacturers already have these systems. They have been around since the 1980s and are used in many industries; particularly in aerospace and automotive. If this is the case for you, this new method of robot programming can be done with your existing technology.

Introducing TwinTrack

At RoboDK, we have recently released TwinTrack; a robot programming system that uses a laser tracker to allow you to quickly and intuitively program your robot by hand.

We have teamed up with various providers of laser trackers to ensure that you can get high-precision programming with whichever system you prefer.

How TwinTrack Achieves High Precision Robot Programming

The precision of TwinTrack is provided by the laser tracker.

To use the system, you simply hold the tracker probe in your hand and place its tip where you want the robot to move. Teaching a point or a path to the robot is a simple case of pressing a button on the probe.

The laser tracker detects the precise position of the probe in real-time and sends it to RoboDK. Your robot model within RoboDK will then move to this position.

The precision of the system is thus the precision with which your hand can move the probe. While this may not be precise enough for tasks requiring sub-millimeter accuracy (due to the nature of human movements); it provides a far more intuitive, more precise, and less restricted way to program robots than, say, traditional hand-guiding.

Find Out If TwinTrack Could Be For You

With TwinTrack technology, you can program your robot more quickly, more easily, and more accurately than with other easy-to-use programming methods.

Would you like to find out if TwinTrack might be the right solution for your needs?

Check out our product page for more information. Or, get in contact with us directly and we’ll help you find out if TwinTrack is the right choice for you.

What programming methods have you tried that were not precise enough? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.

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TwinTrack vs Hand Guiding: What Are the Differences? Tue, 26 Jan 2021 14:24:24 +0000 They both provide a more intuitive way to program your robot than conventional programming. But, what’s the difference between TwinTrack and hand guiding? We just released TwinTrack, our new programming …

The post TwinTrack vs Hand Guiding: What Are the Differences? appeared first on RoboDK blog.

They both provide a more intuitive way to program your robot than conventional programming. But, what’s the difference between TwinTrack and hand guiding?

We just released TwinTrack, our new programming tool for industrial robots. It allows you to program your robot simply by tracing your desired path with the handheld probe of a laser tracker, no conventional programming required.

You might be looking at TwinTrack and wondering “Isn’t it just going to give me the same benefits as hand guiding?”

While there are some similarities between TwinTrack and Hand Guiding, they are very different in what they allow you to achieve.

Here’s a breakdown of the two programming methods.

What is TwinTrack?

TwinTrack provides robot users with a new approach to offline programming. Unlike conventional robot programming – which requires training and often programming skills – TwinTrack can be used by anybody.

If your chosen task is currently performed by a technician, that person can now teach the task directly to the robot without having to rely on programmers who don’t know the task as well as they do.

TwinTrack employs an off-the-shelf laser tracker for precise position detection and is compatible with laser scanners from various brands.

What is Hand Guiding?

Hand guiding is a mode of online programming that is usually associated with collaborative robots. It allows the user to program the robot by physically dragging it between the desired locations in the workspace.

As it is an online programming method, it requires access to the physical robot during programming. Also, it requires you to touch the robot when it is operational so the robot must operate in a safe mode at a reduced velocity.

3 Similarities Between TwinTrack and Hand Guiding

At a basic level, there are some similarities between the two programming methods. Here are the 3 most relevant similarities:

1. Don’t Require Conventional Programming

Both TwinTrack and hand guiding provide an easy-to-use way to program a robot without conventional robot programming.

By conventional programming, we mean:

  • Using the manufacturer’s proprietary programming language to create programs on the robot’s teach pendant or offline.
  • Jogging the robot into position using the robot’s teach pendant.

Both of these options require training and/or significant experience with industrial robotics. As a result, they are not easily accessible to new robot users.

2. Intuitive Target Teaching

Programming a robot involves teaching the targets that you want it to move to. In conventional robot programming, this requires that you have an in-depth knowledge of the coordinate system of the robot. At the very least, you should understand Euler angles and be able to perform geometrical calculations using them.

Both TwinTrack and hand guiding allow you to dispense with these completely. You just indicate where you want the robot to move (using either the handheld probe or the by moving robot itself) and the system learns the target.

3. Both Point and Path Teaching

Most robot movements can be reduced to targets or paths. If you want the robot to move to a particular point, you teach a target. If you want the robot to trace a specific line or curve, you teach it the path.

Both TwinTrack and hand guiding allow you to teach points and paths (though some forms of hand guiding might not support paths).

5 Differences Between TwinTrack and Hand Guiding

While the two programming methods are similar in some ways, there are more differences between them than there are similarities.

Here are 5 important differences between TwinTrack and hand guiding:

1. Speed

One problem with hand guiding is that you need to physically drag the robot around its workspace to teach points and paths. This can take a long time and can be quite tiresome if you have to program a large task.

With TwinTrack, you can program points as quickly as it takes to move your hand to the target locations.

2. Precision

Hand guiding is often criticized for being a low precision method of programming a robot. This is a fair criticism. It’s very difficult to position the robot precisely when you are dragging it around.

As it uses a laser tracker, TwinTrack can detect the target position down to a precision of 0.150mm, the width of a human hair.

3. Robot Compatibility

A major issue with hand guiding is that it is restricted to only a few robot manufacturers. If your manufacturer provides a hand guiding option, you can use it. If not, there is little that you can do.

TwinTrack is compatible out-of-the-box with over 500 robots from 50 robot manufacturers and this number is rising all the time.

4. Offline Programming

A fundamental difference between the two programming methods is that TwinTrack is designed as an offline programming tool and hand guiding is only a form of online programming.

The problem with online programming is that it requires you to have the robot physically present. This means taking it out of production for longer whenever you want to make changes to the robot’s program.

Having said that, it is also possible to use TwinTrack for online programming.

5. Calibration

One added bonus of TwinTrack is that it also allows you to calibrate your robot using only the hardware that it runs on.

Calibration ensures that your robot’s digital twin in the offline programming software is truly an accurate representation of the real robot. Accuracy is a common concern for first-time users of offline programming.

KUKA Robot Calibration with Creaform C-Track

Which is Better? TwinTrack or Hand Guiding?

So, you’ve looked at the similarities and the differences between the two technology and you’re wondering which is the best option for you.

As with so many decisions in life and business, the answer is “It depends.”

If your robot comes with hand guiding and you are not concerned about the speed of programming, precision, offline programming, or calibration, it might make sense for you to just stick with hand guiding. As long as it doesn’t require extra investment on your part — i.e. it’s a standard feature for your robot — then you really have nothing to lose by trying it out.

However, if any of the benefits of TwinTrack are important to you, it makes sense to look into it as a possibility.

Your choice of robot programming tool will be an important one so you owe it to yourself to get it right.

Which factor is most important for your robot application? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or in the RoboDK Forum.

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The Pros and Cons of 5 Robot Programming Methods Tue, 10 Nov 2020 14:10:05 +0000 Some robot programming methods are better than others. Here we will discuss the 5 most common programming methods and their pros and cons. There are a lot of different options …

The post The Pros and Cons of 5 Robot Programming Methods appeared first on RoboDK blog.

Some robot programming methods are better than others. Here we will discuss the 5 most common programming methods and their pros and cons.

There are a lot of different options available to you for programming your robot. Each one has its own inherent advantages and disadvantages… and it’s not always clear which option is the right one to choose.

Do you go with the “traditional” method of programming with the manufacturer’s teach pendant?

Do you go with advanced artificial intelligence programming?

Or, do you go with offline programming?

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the choice of method is up to you, but a little bit of good information can be very useful when making that choice.

In this article, we’ll outline some pros and cons for 5 of the most common robot programming methods so that you can make the best decision according to your needs.

1. Traditional Teach Pendant Programming

The “classic” option for robot programming is the teach pendant. This is a small console that comes packaged with the robot from the manufacturer.

Programming is usually done with the brand-specific programming language (e.g. RAPID for ABB robots, JBI for Motoman robots, etc). However, some robot brands (UR for example) do have a graphical user interface on their teach pendants.

Pros of Teach Pendant Programming

  • The teach pendant is right next to the robot so it is very handy.
  • It comes packaged with the robot so no extra hardware is required.
  • As the software is developed by the manufacturer, it will make use of the robot’s more “obscure” functionality.

Cons of Teach Pendant Programming

  • As it is an online programming method, it increases downtime as the robot must be stopped for programming.
  • Programmers must learn a completely different programming language for each robot brand.
  • Requires more training and skilled robotics knowledge than more general-purpose, intuitive methods.

2. Flexible Offline Programming

Offline programming allows you to program your robot in a simulated environment. It has a whole host of benefits over online programming methods like teach pendants. I won’t list these benefits here as we have covered them extensively on the blog already.

RoboDK is what you might call a “flexible” offline programmer in that it is not tied to a specific brand of robot. It can be used with over 50 different brands of robot.

Pros of Flexible Offline Programming

  • It is robot-agnostic so can be used to program any robot brand or model with the same interfaces.
  • It is simple to learn and to use and does not require retraining when switching to a new robot brand.
  • Extremely flexible capabilities as extra functionalities can be extended through plugins even if they are not part of the core program.

Cons of Flexible Offline Programming

  • Requires an extra piece of software compared to teach pendants.
  • More programming steps than with hand-guiding (see below).
  • Requires a computer to run the offline programming software.

3. Manufacturer’s Offline Programming

Using the manufacturer’s simulator is kind of the offline equivalent of a teach pendant. It has the benefits of offline programming, but it’s not as flexible as using a robot-agnostic offline programming package like RoboDK.

Only some robot manufacturers provide simulators which can be used to program their robots offline. The capabilities of these simulators vary wildly, depending on the manufacturer.

Pros of Manufacturer’s Offline Programming

  • Designed especially for this robot brand by the company that developed the robot.
  • Has (hopefully) been tested with your specific robot model.
  • Allows you to use only one supplier for both the robot and the simulation software.

Cons of Manufacturer’s Offline Programming

  • The capabilities of the software can be very restrictive and you can only use a feature if the manufacturer has developed that feature.
  • It strongly ties you into using only one robot brand, as changing brand would mean both buying a new simulator (if one exists for the new brand) and retraining your team.
  • Manufacturer simulators can be costly and some manufacturers (e.g. ABB) tie you into a subscription model.

4. Hand Guiding or Teaching by Demonstration

Hand guiding is a type of programming which involves physically moving the robot around and recording the positions into the robot’s teach pendant. For small robots, it can be achieved by deactivating the joint brakes, as the robot links are light. With larger, heavier robots it requires a force sensor and force control algorithms.

Pros of Hand Guiding

  • It’s intuitive so it is easy to learn.
  • It’s quick to program compared to traditional teach pendant programming.
  • Good for simple, imprecise tasks.

Cons of Hand Guiding

  • Not available for most industrial robots and is costly to implement.
  • Requires a force sensor, unless it is for small robots, and advanced control software.
  • Not enough precision for almost all robot applications.

5. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

An emerging method of robot programming is to use advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to program industrial robots for specific tasks. The idea is that the robot can respond to a previously unknown environment and/or task without human intervention. This is still very much at its early stages.

Pros of AI Programming

  • Allows robots to adapt to unknown situations, tasks and objects.
  • Can be used as part of an autonomous path planner, as in RoboDK’s PRM planner.
  • With motion planning, for example, it can produce more efficient robot movements.

Cons of AI Programming

  • As many AIs are still at the research stage, they can often only deal with very simplistic situations and aren’t very robust.
  • For most industrial robotic tasks, you want the robot to move in predictable ways, not think for itself.
  • AI can be costly to implement both in terms of money and time.

What’s the Best Method for You?

To be honest, there is no “one size fits all” for robot programming.

The “best” method for your specific situation will depend on the needs of your task.

As you can see above, there are benefits and disadvantages to all of the methods that you can use to program a robot. However, now that you are aware of these pros and cons, you have enough information to make an informed decision. If you need more information, ask a question on the RoboDK Forum.

Which robot programming method did you choose? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the RoboDK Forum.

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5 Ways Robotic Manufacturing Can Help in a Crisis World Tue, 24 Mar 2020 10:44:13 +0000 At the start of 2020, it was business as usual in manufacturing. Then everything changed. The global pandemic flipped our world sideways. But, there is a silver lining. Robotics looks …

The post 5 Ways Robotic Manufacturing Can Help in a Crisis World appeared first on RoboDK blog.

At the start of 2020, it was business as usual in manufacturing.

Then everything changed.

The global pandemic flipped our world sideways.

But, there is a silver lining. Robotics looks set to thrive in a post-crisis world.

It’s difficult to live through a crisis. As I write this, we are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic that has ground to a halt the world and economy — we don’t yet know what the long term effects will be.

But, living through any crisis is tough.

In a crisis…

We become unsure of the stability of our businesses.

We need to provide optimism to our teams when everyone is fearful.

Finally, we need to become the calm, certain voice in the midst of all the uncertainty.

In a crisis, our tendency is often to “batten down the hatches” (as they say in the navy) and just hide until it all “blows over.”

In a crisis, most people are not thinking about automation…

… but perhaps they should be. Robotics could be the key to surviving in manufacturing during hard times.

Is Now Really the Time to Think About Automation?

At a time when the market and/or our business is plunged into uncertainty, the idea of investing in a lot of new technology probably seems like a risky strategy.

You might be thinking “I can’t make any decisions on robotic automation right now.”

Like many of us, you might be looking at the situation in the manufacturing world and thinking “I’m going to see how this all pans out before I do anything.”

And, you might be right. Investing big in robotic technology right now might be a risky strategy, depending on when you are reading this article…

If you are reading this when everything is still very uncertain (as is the case at the time I’m writing it), nobody knows what’s going to happen when the crisis passes. Everyone is just waiting and, as a result, we have to wait too.

However, if you’re reading this after a couple of weeks or months, when we’re starting to understand the impact of that crisis, you’re in a great position to set yourself up for success in the coming year.

You have the power to put yourself and your manufacturing business into a strong position to rocket to success.

And robotics looks set to be a winning technology for those of us who want to skyrocket into a quick and effective recovery.

How to Think About Robotics at a Time Like This

The key to success in a time of crisis is to change how we’re thinking. Right now, many manufacturers are struggling because they’re trying to find short-term solutions to avoid failure.

As many experts are saying right now: in a crisis, think long term.

There is great wisdom to this advice. Back in 2008, at the peak of the global financial crisis, those businesses who were able to take a long-term view were those who ultimately got their head above water much quicker.

Although it seems counterintuitive to many, investing in the long term (e.g. thinking “Where do we want to be a year from now?”) is the way to ensure your manufacturing business doesn’t join the hoards of companies who will be flailing around trying to catch up when things start to pick up again.

And, robotics is one of the proven technologies that helps with a long-term view.

Even though you might not actually purchase your robotic equipment right now, it’s a great time to start thinking about how you could incorporate robotic automation into your operations.

5 Reasons Robotic Manufacturing Can Thrive in a Crisis Now

There are various reasons that robotics can help manufacturers to come out on top in a crisis now.

1. Robots Can Do Things That Others Can’t

The Robot Report recently published a list of amazing robot applications which have been used to handle the situation after the outbreak of COVID-19.

These include things like disinfection drones in Hong Kong, healthcare automation in Beijing, and telepresence robots in New York. As the article explains “The novel coronavirus has increased interest in robots, drones, and artificial intelligence.”

2. Bigger Demand for Automation

We have been seeing an increased interest in automation for some time now. Over the last 5 years, manufacturers have begun to look for ways that they can use automation to improve productivity, efficiency, and product quality at a lower cost. After a crisis, these benefits become even more important. They could make or break a business.

3. Manufacturers Looking to Reduce Hands-on Work

The demand for automation has gone hand-in-hand with the fact that many manufacturers are looking to cut down hands-on work where possible. Over the past couple of years, robots have begun to replace manual workers in some tasks, with the manual workers moving to more rewarding, intellectual tasks in the business.

Those manufacturers who are already using robotics are in a good position to keep production moving through the tough situation.

4. Move to More Remote Working

One of the immediate effects of the COVID-19 crisis was the sudden move to remote working and away from physical business locations. This is obviously challenging for manufacturers who need to be physically located in their workshops and factories.

In a more remote world, robotics can become a bridge between the virtual and the physical world. With a good robot simulator, you can work on your robot setup without having to be physically present.

5. The Long Term View Wins

Ultimately, the path to continued success during a crisis is to build the foundations for the future. Quick wins are hard when everything is uncertain, but a long term strategy can become very strong if it is started when times are tough.

Robotics is set to be one of the foundational tools for success in this rapidly changing world. If you choose to join the many manufacturers who have already got started with automation, you can thrive in a crisis world.

What concerns do you have about the current situation? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the RoboDK Forum.

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Agile Robots: The Secret to Manufacturing Growth in 2020 Mon, 10 Feb 2020 12:26:06 +0000 Agility: if you haven’t heard it everywhere yet, you will. This year, manufacturers are prioritizing agility and robots are one way to achieve it. If you asked me to pick …

The post Agile Robots: The Secret to Manufacturing Growth in 2020 appeared first on RoboDK blog.

Agility: if you haven’t heard it everywhere yet, you will. This year, manufacturers are prioritizing agility and robots are one way to achieve it.

If you asked me to pick one word to describe the manufacturing landscape as we enter this new decade, the word “unpredictable” seems quite apt.

There’s a feeling of uncertainty in the manufacturing world at the moment. But, uncertainty doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

Unpredictability is why agile manufacturing has become one of the competitive advantages for 2020.

Agile manufacturing can be defined as:

“The capability of surviving and prospering in a competitive environment of continuous and unpredictable change by reacting quickly and effectively to changing markets, driven by customer-designed products and services.”

Traditional manufacturing was never agile. The manufacturing processes that began at the start of the industrial revolution were built around the ideas of mass production, stable supply lines, and market monopolies. These processes have worked well over the last 200 years, but things have changed recently.

These days, manufacturing businesses need to react much quicker to changes in the market than they have ever done before.

How can you react quickly? By being agile.

5 Market Challenges for 2020 That Necessitate Agility

According to a special report by IndustryWeek, several market challenges are coming together right now to necessitate more agile manufacturing:

  1. Market volatility — There is a lot of movement in the market right now. Supply chains are volatile, trade is uncertain, and consumer’s preferences are changing at an alarming rate. Manufacturers who can respond quickly are able to “ride” these changes much better than others.
  2. Costs — material, labor, and transportation/logistics — Costs are always going to affect a manufacturing business. However, the aforementioned volatility means that many manufacturers are being challenged by costs on all fronts right now.
  3. Price reduction pressures — Many manufacturers (particularly those generating over $100 million in revenue) are concerned by pressures to reduce prices. Any technology that can reduce production costs — without compromising quality — can only be a good thing.
  4. Regulations — environmental, labor, and business — The drive towards more sustainable businesses is certainly a good thing, but it can have its challenges. The need to keep up with changing regulations is placing a lot of pressure on some manufacturers.
  5. Global market — competition, geopolitical risks, and expansion — One of the biggest causes of the current uncertainty in manufacturing is the changing situation in the global market. Manufacturers have to keep up with both local and global trends. They need the ability to change their processes quickly to respond.

None of these challenges is entirely new for 2020, but they seem to be coming to a head right now in the manufacturing sector.

How Robots Can Help You Stay Agile

There are various ways that you can make your manufacturing business more agile, including: streamlining your processes, updating old technology, improving the speed of management decisions, etc.

But, robotics is increasingly becoming one of the “go-to” ways that manufacturing businesses, both small and large, are able to keep up in the changing world. Unlike the inflexible robots of the past, modern industrial robots have the capability to be very agile.

Robots? Agile? Really?

As researchers from the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) explain, robots are not traditionally considered agile. Until recently, industrial robots were only suited to highly structured, repeatable tasks which did not vary much over long production runs.

In other words, traditional robots were only suitable for mass production.

The problem with mass production is that it is, by nature, not agile. For the last decade or so, the market has moved towards an opposite paradigm — mass customization. There is an increasing demand for personalized products and our production technologies need to be able to handle this demand.

Modern robots actually fit in with the paradigm of mass customization very well.

With the right programming software, robots are easy and quick to reprogram without causing unnecessary downtime. This makes them well suited to the needs of agile manufacturing.

The 3 Key Aspects of Robot Agility

As the NIST research explains, there are three key aspects of an agile robot system:

  1. The robot should be able to be switched to a new task without having to shut it down for a long period of time.
  2. The robot should be able to recover from errors by itself.
  3. It should be possible to quickly swap in robots from different robot manufacturers so that the company isn’t tied to a single brand.

The second of these requirements is not yet possible to achieve reliably given that it requires the robot to have advanced decision-making abilities. However, the first and third requirements can be easily achieved by using the right offline programming software.

How to Make Your Manufacturing More Agile With Robots

If agility is the way to stay competitive in the global market of the 2020s, how do you as a manufacturer set yourself up for success?

With robots, the key is to ensure that you are operating the robot in an agile way.

If You’re Not Using Robots Yet

If you are not yet using robots, an agile robot cell could be a good addition to your production this year.

The important thing is to make sure that the robot cell itself is agile. You don’t want to be stuck with an inflexible robot which is difficult to update.

You should be able to easily reprogram the robot for new tasks, switch out different robot brands, and update programs without causing unnecessary downtime.

If You’re Already Using Robots

If robots are already part of your operation, now could be a good time to reassess the agility of your current robotic setup.

Ask yourself: How easy is it for your team to update the robot’s programs?

Are there any bottlenecks in the programming process?

Are there any ways that you could improve the robot setup to make it more agile in 2020?

Agile manufacturing has become one of the competitive advantages for 2020. With the right robot setup, you can set yourself up for success in this new decade.

Which aspects of your manufacturing are not yet as agile as they could be? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the RoboDK Forum.

The post Agile Robots: The Secret to Manufacturing Growth in 2020 appeared first on RoboDK blog.

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How to Set Up a Strong, Streamlined Software Workflow Thu, 19 Sep 2019 11:50:47 +0000 Plugins and add-ons are a defining feature of good robotics software. They can help you to set up a strong, streamlined software workflow. Here’s how. Over the last year or …

The post How to Set Up a Strong, Streamlined Software Workflow appeared first on RoboDK blog.

Plugins and add-ons are a defining feature of good robotics software. They can help you to set up a strong, streamlined software workflow. Here’s how.

Over the last year or so, we have been focusing a lot of attention on creating plugins and add-ons for RoboDK. Our latest addition is VSCode, which allows you to accelerate your coding and get the benefit of the industry’s most popular IDE for robot programming.

We have focused on interoperability for one important reason — so that RoboDK is easy to slot into your software workflow. We don’t want you to have to go through a huge learning curve to get started with robot programming. You should be able to get up and running as quickly as possible.

But, what is a software workflow?

You might never have thought about your software workflows before, but we all use them. Whenever you use any software to perform a task, there is a workflow.

The path to success with robot programming is to master your workflow from the beginning.

What is a Software Workflow for Robot Programming?

We use software workflows all the time, though we don’t always think about it. I used a software workflow to write the text of this article:

  1. I planned, researched then wrote it in my word-processing program.
  2. Then passed it to a text editor to bulk-edit the HTML.
  3. Then passed through an HTML cleaner.
  4. Then copied it to the RoboDK Content Management System.

And that’s just the text. The images passed through a more complex workflow.

Whenever we pass data between software programs, we are using a workflow.

The definition of software workflow

Here is one definition of a software workflow, adapted from a definition of a workflow from Business Process Management company PNMsoft:

“Workflow is the definition, execution, and automation of software processes where tasks, information or documents are passed from one program to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules.”

This is a bit confusing so let’s break it down into pieces:

  • “Definition, execution, and automation of software processes” — If you want a good software workflow, you need to actively design it, use it, then (where possible) automate it. Most of us just muddle through without ever formally defining our workflow.
  • “Tasks, information or documents are passed from one program to another” — If any data passed between programs, in any format, you are using a workflow.
  • “For action, according to a set of procedural rules.” — Each program will perform one or more actions on the data.

Example Workflow for Robot Machining

A robot machining project might have the following workflow:

  1. Create a product design in your favorite CAD program.
  2. Pass the CAD file to a CAM program to create the machine path.
  3. Pass the CAM path to RoboDK for robot machining.
  4. Generate the robot program in RoboDK.
  5. Pass the robot program to the robot controller to run it.

3 Types of Software Interoperability in RoboDK

The key to creating an efficient software workflow is interoperability. According to ex-IBM manager Kurt Kosanke, a lack of interoperability is becoming an increasing bottleneck in companies.

When your software “plays nicely together” you can significantly speed up your robot programming. As we’ve mentioned in the past, you don’t need to change everything in your software workflow to use robots — you can just plug in RoboDK to your existing software and soon be on your way.

Here are 3 ways that RoboDK allows for easy software integration:

1. Text Editor Agnosticism

The extremely popular programming text editor VSCode now comes packaged with RoboDK, giving you access to some very powerful features when you want to edit your robot programs.

However, one huge benefit of RoboDK is that you can use whichever text editor you like. By selecting your favorite editor, you will speed up the learning process.

2. CAD/CAM Integration

Exporting files from your CAD program can be a huge pain in the neck. That’s why we’ve worked a lot to create plug-ins for the most popular CAD/CAM packages. They allow you to export models to RoboDK at the touch of a button. At the time of writing, we now have plugins for the following:

3. File Formats

Finally, you can use a range of file formats to export and import data from RoboDK. Although this is a (very) slightly more involved process than using add-ons and plugins, it means that almost any program is compatible with RoboDK.

5 Steps to Set Up a Strong Software Workflow for Robot Programming

A good software workflow comes from great planning.

Here are 5 steps you can use to design your software workflow for robot programming:

1. Write Down Your Favorite Packages and Features You’ll Need

First, note which software packages you want to continue using and the features you will need for this application.

Where possible, you will want to keep using familiar programs rather than changing to a completely new one for the same functionality.

Examples include:

  • CAD programs you use to design products.
  • CAD/CAM programs you use to generate machine paths.
  • Text editors you use to edit code.

2. Investigate Interoperability

Find out how you can pass data between your chosen packages and RoboDK.

If you can use one of our plugins, great! If not, look at how you can export using other file types.

3. Identify the “Need to Learns”

You will probably need to learn some new functionality for your new robot application, either in RoboDK or in another package. However, you can keep these “needs to learns” to a minimum to reduce the learning curve.

Identify which functions you will need to learn from scratch. Our YouTube channel is a good place to learn RoboDK functions quickly and easily.

4. Formalize Your Workflow

When you have identified all the different components of your software workflow, take some time to draw them into a workflow diagram.

This diagram is a bit like a flowchart. It helps to formalize the process and reduces the chance that you have forgotten something. There are software tools you can use or you can just use a traditional pen and paper.

5. Use it

Your software workflow will only be useful if you actually use it!

By using your designed workflow, you can ensure that your robot programming is as efficient as possible. Every so often, check back on the workflow and see if you can make it even more efficient.

What’s your favorite software? Tell us in the comments below or join the discussion on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or in the RoboDK Forum.

The post How to Set Up a Strong, Streamlined Software Workflow appeared first on RoboDK blog.

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