Once you have created the palletizing project you can generate the robot program that needs to be executed on the robot controller.
28.Move to the “Program call” tab to add specific event at the beginning of your program; when the robot needs to pick a box or when it needs to drop a box.
29.For this example, activate “Program Start”, “Box Grab”, and “Box Release”.
30.You can tip in the name of the subprogram you want to use, or you can press the “+” button to select it from a list.
31.Move to the “Generate” tab and generate the program. Close the palletizing window to go back to RoboDK’s interface.
The palletizing plugin created a lot of items in your station folder including all the targets to reach.
32.Folders under the “Pallet” frame with contain the targets. They are invisible by default but can be made visible like any other targets.
33.A folder will contain the Main palletizing program and a subprogram per layer.
34.You need to create enough boxes to feed the palletizing project. Copy and paste your box for as many boxes as you need.
35.Double-click the “Palletizing_Main” to run the main program.
36.If a target is unreachable, RoboDK will let you know (as shown in the image below).
37.Find the unreachable targets in the list. If the “Pallet” reference frame is activated, you should see a warning sign on the unreachable target (as shown in the image below).
38.Make the unreachable target visible, then press “Alt” and move them to a reachable spot.
39.Right-click the “Palletizing_Main” program and select “Generate robot program” to create the program your robot controller can execute.