I am having some trouble with getItemList and getItemListFilter in the C API. Here's a (hopefully) reproducible example.
I run this code by manually opening the workstation I want to test with, then running `test.py` from the same folder that `test.dll` is in.
The expected behavior is to print information about the expected vs. actual number of items then print all item names. This will occur first to test getItemList then to test getItemListFilter.
The console output is not as-expected for my workstation. Here's the first few lines:
Due to confidentiality, I unfortunately cannot share the workstation or console output on this forum. I emailed info@robodk.com.
The workstation I am using is fairly involved, with one external axis and many targets. I also tried this code on a smaller example workstation that just has a small number of nested reference frames and targets and a robot I pulled from the library with no external axes. In the case of the smaller example, the code worked as-expected.
// my_code.h (compiles to test.dll)
#include "robodk_api_c.h"
#include "robodk_api_c.c"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define EXPORT
extern "C" EXPORT void testItemLists(int port, int expected_num_items);
// my_code.cpp (compiles to test.dll)
void testItemLists(int port, int expected_num_items) {
char commandLineArgs[1024];
RoboDK_t rdk = RoboDK_t();
int actual_num_items = 0;
char name[16];
WSADATA wsaData;
int iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData);
if (iResult != 0) {
printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", iResult);
strcpy_s(commandLineArgs, "-NOSPLASH -SKIPMAINT");
RoboDK_Connect(&rdk, "", port, commandLineArgs, "");
if (!_RoboDK_connected(&rdk)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to start RoboDK API!!");
Item_t* all_items = (struct Item_t*)malloc(sizeof(Item_t) * expected_num_items);
if (all_items == NULL){
printf("Memory allocation failure.\n");
printf("Testing getItemList.\n");
RoboDK_getItemList(&rdk, all_items, expected_num_items, &actual_num_items);
printf("\tactual_num_items = %d\n.", actual_num_items);
printf("\texpected_num_items = %d\n", expected_num_items);
printf("\tall item names:\n");
for (int i=0; i<actual_num_items; i++){
Item_Name(&all_items[i], name);
printf("\t\t%s\n", name);
printf("Testing getItemListFilter, filtering for targets.\n");
RoboDK_getItemListFilter(&rdk, ITEM_TYPE_TARGET, all_items, expected_num_items, &actual_num_items);
printf("\tactual_num_items = %d\n.", actual_num_items);
printf("\texpected_num_items = %d\n", expected_num_items);
printf("\tall item names:\n");
for (int i=0; i<actual_num_items; i++){
Item_Name(&all_items[i], name);
printf("\t\t%s\n", name);
# test.py
from robodk import robolink
from cffi import FFI
rdk = robolink.Robolink()
ffi = FFI()
dll = ffi.dlopen('test.dll')
ffi.cdef('void testItemLists(int port, int expected_num_items);')
dll.testItemLists(rdk.PORT, len(rdk.ItemList()))
I run this code by manually opening the workstation I want to test with, then running `test.py` from the same folder that `test.dll` is in.
The expected behavior is to print information about the expected vs. actual number of items then print all item names. This will occur first to test getItemList then to test getItemListFilter.
The console output is not as-expected for my workstation. Here's the first few lines:
Testing getItemList.
actual_num_items = 101
. expected_num_items = 2405
all item names:
Comau Smart5 NJ 220-2.7 Base
Comau Smart5 NJ 220-2.7
Due to confidentiality, I unfortunately cannot share the workstation or console output on this forum. I emailed info@robodk.com.
The workstation I am using is fairly involved, with one external axis and many targets. I also tried this code on a smaller example workstation that just has a small number of nested reference frames and targets and a robot I pulled from the library with no external axes. In the case of the smaller example, the code worked as-expected.