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Generated program does not match the simulation


I believe this is due to a "frame" or "joint target" issue in my procedure but I do not know how to fix it. So my simulation is doing what I intended to do but my generated code and robot run is not matching my simulation.  see that the joint move is just repeating the same joint angles for every subprogram like using the ref_frame nut it is not the joint angles based on the absolute robot angles considering the absolute target position. 

One easy fix I am thinking of is changing everything to Linear mode. However I would prefer to keep the approach movements as joint movements since are better for the robot kinematic.

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For some post processors (such as Universal Robots), a joint movement will be generated using joint values. Other post processors will use the preference defined by the target.

I recommend you to generate joint movements using joint targets. Joint targets have a unique robot configuration and help remove amiguity about the configuration your start your programs. This will allow you to create deterministic programs, which always produce the same movement (and identical to the simulation). You can have the first movement as a joint move to a joint target to establish your preferred configuration. From there on, you can have all movements as linear movements to joint targets.

If you still prefer to generate joint movements provided Cartesian data you can change this by following these steps:
  1. Select Tools-Options
  2. Select the Program tab
  3. Set Output for joint movements: Cartesian data
This behavior can also be customized or overridden by the post processor.

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