
The commitment to apply design research as a tool to improve the wellness of human beings and the quality of the environment is a key factor for Luceplan

Establishing an objective relationship between the light source and the subject, Luceplan contributes to create “the right light for every human activity,” thanks to a range of unique fixtures that reflect high standards of performance for both consumers and professionals.
Consistent with these values of corporate responsibility, the company applies the principles of quality, environmental protection, health and safety in every decision it makes, ensuring that every operation complies with the highest ethical values, making all the parties involved share in the process, while respecting their overall roles and requirements.
Through methodology and training, Luceplan is able to call into play both in-house and external resources, in full awareness of the importance of their work and the consequences of their actions.

The Quality Policy thus reflects the attitude of Luceplan to pursue qualitative excellence along the entire chain of values, in compliance with the ISO 9001-2015 Quality standards.
The field of application of the Quality Policy extends from ongoing innovation of products to permit introduction on the market of functional and efficient lighting scenarios, to a constant commitment to the development of services and processes across the entire life cycle of the product, all the way to strategic collaboration with clients and suppliers.

The company takes a position of leadership and initiative for quality management systems, with the objective of satisfying the needs and expectations of all the players involved, including clients and the company’s own commercial partners.
Luceplan takes responsibility for the implementation of this policy, while complying with all the applicable laws of transparency and regulations on correct corporate practices. To this end, Luceplan makes all the necessary resources available, ensuring that the planned objectives are compatible with the strategic orientations of the organization.
Luceplan makes a commitment to periodically revise the Quality Policy, verifying its suitability and constantly monitoring the company’s progress to improve its efficacy and to convey its tenets to employees, end-users and all the associated stakeholders.